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Singing Ritual with Dohee Lee (Cancellation)


7 PM, June 5, 2020 (cancel)

Dohee Lee Puri Arts presents a singing ritual for our loved ones and community members who have passed due to COVID-19. For those whose deaths were not recognized and diminished without proper grief.

Dohee Lee Puri Arts presents a singing ritual for our loved ones and community members who have passed due to COVID-19. For those whose deaths were not recognized and diminished without proper grief.

The sorrows of those who have passed still remain here and it may feel hard to process all that is happening during these uncertain times. How do we recognize and receive the unexpressed silenced wills, stories, existence, pain, and wishes of those who have passed? How do we honor, acknowledge, comfort, and grieve with those who have passed?

We must remember our loved ones and community members who have passed while risking their lives on the frontline to protect and save other people’s lives. We must honor those who were separated from their community and loved ones and unable to be with each other during their last moments. We must acknowledge those whose passing was not recognized with no one to grieve for them.

This is not over yet, and so many people are still struggling to fight back. This Singing Ritual will be a memorial of their lives and also a space to uplift the resilience of our people’s care for each other during these times. We will be creating and sharing vibrations to send to those who have passed, our communities, and the earth for all of humanity to be healed during these times.

Please RSVP below to receive the zoom link to the event.

All you need is a candlelight and yourself.

Singing Ritual with Dohee Lee (Cancellation)